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white fish with tomato sauce pasta bows and grated cheese ref1
pastry dishes
salmon and beetroot samosa ref1, ref2
turkey, carrot and swede hand pies ref1
peanut ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
peanut butter ref1
pear, beetroot and blueberry overnight oats ref1, ref2
quinoa and pear porridge ref1
pea(s) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
broccoli, salmon, peas and potato ref1
cheesy pea quinoa risotto ref1, ref2
cod, spinach, potato and peas ref1
courgette, pea and mint puree ref1, ref2
first tastes ref1
parsley, peas and green bean puree ref1, ref2
quinoa-coated fish fingers with minted peas ref1, ref2
white fish congee with spring onions and peas ref1
pepper ref1, ref2
aubergine, red pepper and couscous ref1
cauliflower red pepper egg muffins ref1
ratatouille with kidney beans, pepper, courgette, aubergine and tomato ref1, ref2
red pepper pesto, green beans and pasta ref1, ref2
broccoli, basil and cashew pesto with chopped spaghetti ref1
pumpkin seed pesto dip ref1
red pepper pesto, green beans and pasta ref1, ref2
lamb and lentil shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash ref1, ref2
turkey, carrot and swede hand pies ref1
pistachio nut ref1, ref2
cauliflower pizza ref1, ref2
tuna and olive tortilla pizza ref1
polenta ref1
mushroom polenta ref1, ref2
porridge oats ref1
banana oaty pancakes with coconut and blueberries ref1, ref2
beetroot porridge pancakes ref1
blackberry and apple cinnamon baked oats ref1
butternut porridge ref1
carrot porridge ref1, ref2
pear, beetroot and blueberry overnight oats ref1, ref2
raspberry and oat fingers ref1
sweet potato oat bites ref1
porridge (quinoa), quinoa and pear porridge ref1
portion sizes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
potato ref1, ref2
broccoli, salmon, peas and potato ref1
broccoli, swede and potato mash ref1
cod, spinach, potato and peas ref1
first tastes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Indian-spiced spinach, chickpea and potato curry with yoghurt ref1
potato, parsnip and carrot ref1
potato puree ref1, ref2
premature babies ref1
processed baby foods ref1
protein ref1, ref2
pumpkin, kale and butterbean mac ’n’ cheese ref1, ref2
pumpkin seed ref1
pumpkin seed pesto dip ref1
purees ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
avocado basil puree ref1, ref2
broccoli puree ref1
courgette, pea and mint puree ref1, ref2
courgette puree ref1
equipment ref1
moving on from ref1
parsley, peas and green bean puree ref1, ref2
parsnip puree ref1
potato puree ref1
quesadilla, butternut and kidney bean quesadilla ref1, ref2
cheesy pea quinoa risotto ref1, ref2
leek, quinoa and tarragon ref1
quinoa and pear porridge ref1
quinoa-coated fish fingers with minted peas ref1, ref2
rainbow quinoa salad ref1
radish ref1
five spices Thai chicken cakes with carrot, cucumber and radish salad ref1, ref2
raita ref1, ref2
raspberry ref1, ref2
raspberry and oat fingers ref1
ratatouille with kidney beans, pepper, courgette, aubergine and tomato ref1, ref2
ratatouille parcels with mozzarella ref1
reheating food ref1
responsive feeding ref1, ref2
rice ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
barley and courgette risotto ref1
cheesy courgette and spring onion rice ref1
kedgeree with chopped egg and green beans ref1
Mexican corn and black bean rice with smashed avocado ref1, ref2
teriyaki salmon rice bowl steamed with mange tout ref1, ref2
see also baby rice
rice milk ref1, ref2
rice noodles, tofu, sugar snap peas and mango sesame noodles ref1
ricotta, sweetcorn and ricotta fritters ref1, ref2
barley and courgette risotto ref1
cheesy pea quinoa risotto ref1, ref2
role models, acting as ref1
routines ref1, ref2
five spices Thai chicken cakes with carrot, cucumber and radish salad ref1, ref2
rainbow quinoa salad ref1
broccoli, salmon, peas and potato ref1
edamame avocado mash flatbread with salmon ref1, ref2
potato, apple and beetroot hash browns with salmon ref1
quinoa-coated fish fingers with minted peas ref1, ref2
salmon and beetroot samosa ref1, ref2
teriyaki salmon rice bowl steamed with mange tout ref1, ref2
salsa, fried tomato salsa ref1, ref2
salt ref1, ref2, ref3
samosa, salmon and beetroot samosa ref1, ref2
sardine, courgette, sardine and barley minestrone soup ref1
mango sauce ref1
teriyaki sauce ref1
tomato sauce ref1
scones, cheese and broccoli scones ref1, ref2
sesame seed(s) ref1
tofu, sugar snap peas and mango sesame noodles ref1
shepherd’s pie, lamb and lentil shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash ref1, ref2
sitting up ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
slaw, stir-fried Asian slaw tofu wraps with mango sauce ref1
snacks ref1, ref2, ref3
soup, courgette, sardine and barley minestrone soup ref1
spelt flour ref1, ref2
spices ref1
see also specific spices
spinach ref1, ref2
cod, spinach, potato and peas ref1
first tastes ref1
Indian-spiced spinach, chickpea and potato curry with yoghurt ref1
spinach, banana and sweetcorn mini muffins ref1, ref2
spinach falafel bites ref1
spoon-feeding ref1, ref2, ref3
spring onion ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
cheesy courgette and spring onion rice ref1
white fish congee with spring onions and peas ref1
stew, squashed tomato and white bean stew ref1, ref2
stir-fried Asian slaw tofu wraps with mango sauce ref1
homemade chicken stock ref1
homemade vegetable stock ref1
strawberry ref1
eggy bread with mashed strawberry yoghurt ref1, ref2
sugar snap pea, tofu, sugar snap peas and mango sesame noodles ref1
sugary foods ref1, ref2, ref3
broccoli, swede and potato mash ref1
turkey, carrot and swede hand pies ref1
sweet potato ref1
lamb and lentil shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash ref1, ref2
Moroccan minced lamb with sweet potato and couscous ref1, ref2
sweet potato frittata squares
ref1, ref2
sweet potato oat bites ref1
sweet potato, red lentil and cinnamon dal ref1, ref2
sweet potato toast with mashed banana and tahini ref1
sweet potato, white fish, broccoli ref1, ref2
ting foods ref1
sweetcorn ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Mexican corn and black bean rice with smashed avocado ref1, ref2
spinach, banana and sweetcorn mini muffins ref1, ref2
sweetcorn and ricotta fritters ref1, ref2
tacos, fish tacos with fried tomato salsa ref1, ref2
tahini, sweet potato toast with mashed banana and tahini ref1
teeth ref1
teriyaki salmon rice bowl steamed with mange tout ref1, ref2
thali, baby Indian thali ref1, ref2
toast ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
sweet potato toast with mashed banana and tahini ref1
stir-fried Asian slaw tofu wraps with mango sauce ref1
tofu, sugar snap peas and mango sesame noodles ref1
turmeric scrambled tofu ref1
tomato ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
cheese and tomato orzo ref1, ref2
fish tacos with fried tomato salsa ref1, ref2
ratatouille with kidney beans, pepper, courgette, aubergine and tomato ref1, ref2
squashed tomato and white bean stew ref1, ref2
white fish with tomato sauce pasta bows and grated cheese ref1
see also passata
tongue thrust reflex ref1
tortilla wraps ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
tuna and olive tortilla pizza sandwich ref1
mushroom and turkey Bolognese ref1, ref2
turkey, carrot and swede hand pies ref1
turkey and red lentil nuggets ref1, ref2
red lentil, cauliflower, turmeric and kale ref1
turmeric scrambled egg ref1, ref2
vegetables ref1, ref2, ref3
finger foods ref1
veg-led weaning ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
see also specific vegetables
vegetarian/vegan babies ref1
vitamins ref1
watercress, fennel, chickpea, apple and watercress ref1, ref2
baby-led (BLW) ref1, ref2
baby’s readiness for ref1
definition ref1
equipment ref1
and gagging ref1
and key nutrients ref1
messiness of ref1
and milk ref1
preparation for ref1, ref2
and routines ref1, ref2
and safety considerations ref1
snacks ref1
and spoon-feeding ref1, ref2, ref3
starting age ref1
timing ref1
veg-led ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
wholegrains ref1
World Health Organization (WHO) ref1, ref2, ref3
yoghurt (Greek) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
beetroot, yoghurt and mint dip ref1
cucumber mint yoghurt ref1
eggy bread with mashed strawberry yoghurt ref1, ref2
lemony aubergine with yoghurt and parsley ref1, ref2
yoghurt (natural) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Indian-spiced spinach, chickpea and potato curry with yoghurt ref1
yoghurt and avocado dip ref1, ref2
zinc ref1
There are so many people involved in creating a beautifully designed book like this. I would like to start by saying a big thank you to Maja, Bianca and Lydia, my photographer, food stylist and prop stylist for making every recipe look so amazing and wonderful. I absolutely love how this book looks and reads.
Thank you to Charlotte for guiding me along the weaning journey with Indie and helping me put this book together with such important and helpful information. You’ve given me and Rosie so much confidence with all of your knowledge and experience, so thank you for sharing that with us. You made weaning fun and enjoyable for us and I’m excited to see this book do the same for other people too.
I would like to say thank you to my team Carole, Martha, Jodie, Jess, Bríd, Bev and Nikki for working with me to produce such a lovely and special book and getting it out to the world.
Many thanks to the gorgeous models in the book – Indie Wicks, Milo Wicks, Arya Alshanti and Abigail Dawodu.
Finally thank you, Rosie, for giving me our two beautiful babies.
Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, is Britain’s favourite healthy cook. He has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve new levels of fitness and fat loss with his bestselling recipe books and 90 Day Plans, as well as through his online social media community and YouTube channel.
Joe was appointed Children in Need’s first Schools Ambassador in 2019 with the aim of encouraging UK schoolchildren to become more active and have fun in the process. During his UK Schools HIIT Tour in 2019, he travelled the length and breadth of the UK, helping to show young people that exercising is enjoyable as well as hugely beneficial.
Joe lives in London with his wife Rosie and two young children. This is his eighth book.
@weanin15_ and @thebodycoach
Charlotte is a leading Child Nutritionist based in the UK. She has a first-class degree (BSc) in Human Biology and Nutrition, a Masters (Msc) in Nutrition and Public Health from Bristol University and is registered with the Association for Nutrition (AfN).
Founder of her hugely successfully consultancy practice – SR Nutrition – Charlotte works with a variety of clients including global brands and celebrities. Charlotte started her career working for the NHS and has since spent many years working directly with families. Charlotte’s own little foodie, Raffy, is three and still loves his broccoli.
First published 2020 by Bluebird
This electronic edition published 2020 by Bluebird
an imprint of Pan Macmillan
The Smithson, 6 Briset Street, London EC1M 5NR
Associated companies throughout the world
ISBN 978-1-5290-1634-5
Copyright © Joe Wicks, 2020
Images copyright © Maja Smend, 2020 (apart from polaroid-style images here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here all © Joe Wicks, 2020)
Photography © Maja Smend Cover Design: Mel Four, Bluebird Art Dept
The right of Joe Wicks to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Pan Macmillan does not have any control over, or any responsibility for, any author or third-party websites referred to in or on this book.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
PUBLISHER Carole Tonkinson
DESIGN Ami Smithson
Thanks to Jelly Fabrics for the loan of their printed fabrics for the photo shoot.
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